VN stocks gain on energy, insurance, property shares

Vietnamese shares extended gains on both local markets this morning, led by blue chips in the energy, insurance and property sectors.

The benchmark VN Index on the HCM Stock Exchange advanced 1.5 per cent to close at 584.47 points and the HNX Index on the Ha Noi Stock Exchange added 0.6 per cent to end at 80.05 points.


The insurance and property sectors were the strongest gainers this morning, led by Bao Viet Holdings (BVH), Petrolimex Insurance Corp (PGI) and BIDV Insurance Corp (BIC).


BVH jumped 5.6 per cent, while PGI and BIC rose 1.2 per cent and 1.9 per cent, respectively.


The property sector was boosted by Vingroup JSC (VIC), which surged 5.8 per cent after the company at its shareholder meeting announced higher-than-expected performance and plans of an 11 per cent dividend in line with last year's result.


In addition, energy stocks rose further as US crude West Texas Intermediate (WTI) extended gains for a third day during Thursday's session.


PetroVietnam Gas Corp (GAS) gained 2.5 per cent, PetroVietnam Drilling and Well Service Corp (PVD) increased by 4.6 per cent and PetroVietnam Technical Service Corp (PVS) jumped 3.6 per cent.


Both local markets exchanged nearly 97.5 million shares worth VND1.72 trillion (US$76.67 million).


Source VNS

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Cổ phiếu CTG Bảng giá trực tuyến
+0,40 (1,24%)


Khối lượng giao dịch 5.590.000
Chỉ số ngành 47,23
VNIndex 1283,04